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About mentalist Ehud Segev the Mentalizer

Ehud Segev, the Mentalizer
Ehud Segev, the Mentalizer

World renowned mentalist Ehud Segev, aka The Mentalizer, was born in 1979 in the Israeli city of Safed, long known as the spiritual center of the Jewish world. In the 16th century, Safed emerged as the City of Kabbalah. Most of the great scholars and Rabbis who studied and taught the secrets of Kabbalah, an esoteric school of thought native to Judaism, lived in this great city and it is also where Ehud Segev began his spiritual destiny.

Growing up in the Upper Galilee in the 1980’s, Ehud chose to spend his time unlike other boys his age. While neighborhood children were outside playing, 12 year old Segev was inside reading books on mind reading, non-verbal communication, and mysticism. Though the town’s librarian was alarmed to see such a young boy delve into such cryptic studies, Ehud’s mother was not; she had always known there was something different about her son.

“When I was twelve, I took the entire shelf of books that dealt with mysticism and spiritualism from the library and my mother had to sign a permission form, since I was considered too young for those topics. The librarian may have thought I had lost my mind but my mother was ever so supportive. I’ll never forget that,” says Segev.

His reputation for having a connection to the universe and his capability to read minds, analyze behavior and influence people, set the stage for his worldwide success. At the age of 16, he was featured on the Israeli news for his unique ability; one that some people consider magic and others consider spirituality. Segev has another way of explaining it; he refers to his “powers” as “magic from the mind.”

“Others call it intuition. I don’t. I call it the knowledge to connect. The more YOU KNOW, the more you're able to connect to yourself and then to others. The more you are connected, the bigger the miracles you can perform in your life. I don’t have any supernatural powers -on the contrary- my powers are so natural that they are super natural. In my shows and lectures throughout the world, I combine my special abilities as a performer with magic and spirituality. My goal: to make this world a better place and to help people realize that our deepest desires aren’t materialistic, but spiritual. If I can use all the publicity, stage-presence and my TV appearances to bring people closer to the light, my destiny is fulfilled,” added Segev.

Fascination with the “super natural” boy continued and at the age of 19, he continued to shock and amaze throughout Israel. In one newspaper article titled “The Prophecy”, Segev predicted who would win the race for the mayors’ chair, in several cities. The article was published 11 days before the elections took place. With only a photo to reference, Segev, as he put it, “used his mentalism abilities to mentally analyze each candidate and foresee the winners.” Segev was 100% right. This is when people started calling him the Mental Analyzer; soon after to be nicknamed -The Mentalizer.

A few years later, Segev became one of a small percentage of entertainers that signed an exclusive contract with the US army to entertain far away troops in bases around the world. For this he received a coin of excellence -a special award for extraordinary contribution – which was the basis for obtaining an EB-1 classification from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and lead to him becoming a permanent resident in America. According to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services requirements, in order to qualify for the prestigious EB-1 classification, you must have an extraordinary ability and be “one of that small percentage who have risen to the very top of the field of endeavour.”

Now performing in different forums all around the world, including being featured on shows such as NBC’s series “Phenomenon” as well as on numerous Indian, Israeli, French and Slovakian television networks, Segev’s reputation is an overwhelmingly positive one.

He combines his talents as a performer and speaker with magic, spirituality and his deep understanding of human psychology in order to provide mind blowing performances while enlightening his audience.

But Ehud is concerned with providing people with something much more than just entertainment; he strives to convey a message of connection to one’s inner sense, and hopes that by watching him, his audience gains a deeper understanding of the wonders and mysteries of the universe, and life.

He also seeks to help people understand how they can put to practice some of his techniques to use in their own lives, through his program “How to Be a Mental Analyzer”. Based on in-depth studies of human behavior patterns and the psyche, Segev believes anyone can learn his techniques of Neuro-linguistic programming and interpreting non-verbal communication, in order to enhance all their daily interactions. His belief is that these abilities can be used by anyone, to further good in the world and better humanity one person at a time.

“Yes, I am gifted. And I am now here to share this phenomenal gift with you. Each one of us is a prophet and each one of us is a leader in his own way. It’s just about using these tools to discover the magic and potential within ourselves.  Everyone can learn to take advantage of these tools. Eveyone is born gifted; they just haven’t been shown the path to discovering their inner gold. I’m going to give you the methods to start uncovering the treasure that is you.”

Ehud Segev is the author of two Amazon #1 bestsellers: Secrets of the Voice, and 9 Steps to Influence

Contact Ehud Segev here

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